Saturday, May 22, 2010

Using the Light Therapy Box This Morning!

Well, it's one of those really rainy Seattle mornings, and I had a heck of a time waking up this morning. The dog needed to go out, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I finally got up around 10:30, put on a sweatshirt, took the dog out, and came back in to plug in the light box. This is the first time I've used it, so I had to crawl through the tables that hold the rat cage to plug the thing in behind the sofa. It was almost a desperate move. I barely had the energy to get the thing plugged in. Quickly cleared off a spot on the coffee table and turned it on.

Wow. The second the light box came on I knew this is what I needed. I sat in front of it for 30 minutes while working on my computer, and I do feel awake now. We'll see what the long-term effect might me.

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