Sunday, March 27, 2011

Omega 3 fatty acids

I've been using the light therapy box for 45 minutes every morning, and taking 2,000 IU of Vitamin D every day in addition to multivitamins. I've also been taking Omega 3's for several months. A couple weeks ago I upped my intake from one pill a day (about 1200 mg) to twice a day, and then realized I needed to be taking two pills twice a day with meals. Of course my bottle of 120 capsules ran out, and I had to go back to the store for more. Found a good source on sale, two bottles, total 240 capsules, 1200 mg each, with instructions to take one capsule with meals three times a day.

The information on the bottles says it's good for your heart and circulation, but it's also supposed to be good for mental health, and that's the main reason I'm taking it. It's supposed to help with depression. I don't understand the mechanism, but have a book on hold at the Redmond Library (The Omega 3 Connection by Andrew Stoll) which is supposed to be a great source on the topic. My friend Geoff also has a copy and I'm going to glance at it this afternoon when we get together to do some martial arts. Apparently one also needs to pay attention to Omega 6's -- reduce the Omega 6's in addition to upping the Omega 3's.

I might also need to cut out wheat or cut back on my grain consumption entirely. Many years ago, like late 1970's, I was told by a nutritionist who did one of those complex tests with the little spots on a grid on my back, that I had a wheat allergy, and while I paid attention to that I did pretty well. I eat a lot of wheat right now, mainly in the form of bread and Shredded Wheat cereal with milk (which the rats absolutely adore and steal like little thieves while I'm trying to eat). I think I also need to ask to see an allergist because I know I'm now allergic to sesame seeds and probably also to macadamia nuts and who knows what other nuts. I know that when I eat some of these things (including almonds and popcorn) I get sores on my tongue. I hate to ask the doc for another referral, but I do feel that I need to see an allergist. In the meantime, maybe I'll just start behaving like I've got a wheat allergy. I've already cut out the nuts and popcorn.

I really hate having to pay so much attention to my health. I spend too much time trying to figure out how to fix myself. I know antidepressants don't work, and the things you add to those just seem to cause too many side effects. So I am trying to work on the natural cures. I know one of the big things I need to do is add a lot more exercise to my routine.

But starting with focusing on the Omega 3's and reducing the Omega 6's is going to be the next step.

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